Monday, February 27, 2012

What I wore in HK #3 - Facets of Fuchsia

Hi ladies :) While in Hong Kong, I was lucky enough to spy Revlon Facets of Fuchsia while bin diving in Sasa. Since it's a cheap dupe to Deborah Lippmann Bad Romance, I bought it to try. I found the polish to be thin and gloopy at the same time and applied three thin coats of the polish in the photos below. I had to wait awhile in between coats or the polish would drag and lump at the tips of my nail.

facets of fuchsia1

facets of fuchsia2

facets of fuchsia3

Even though I was super lemming Bad Romance when it was first released, I don't love Facets of Fuchsia as much. Since it's quite similar to China Glaze Mummy may I (minus the hex glitter pieces) I decided I didn't need both. I placed it on my blog sale page so someone who loved it more could welcome it into her home instead :)

What do you think of the polish though?

Thanks for dropping by.
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