Saturday, November 20, 2010

Giveaway win ^^

Just a quick post before I hit the books again - I'm currently in the middle of exams and really shouldn't be blogging, but hey, procrastination strikes and here I am :P.

I was recently informed that I won a giveaway over at Gilded Nails' blog ^^. These sort of things never happen to me, I never win any contests or raffles or anything in real life, so I was pretty over the moon when I received my package.

 Left to right:
China Glaze - Mummy may I?
Nubar - Nubar 2010
Orly - Fiesta
BYS - Cracked finish red, Fatal attraction
Ulta3 - Wild berrry
le beauty - #76
Alrighty, now I need to return to my study hole :(. Don't forget to enter my giveaway here.

Thanks for dropping by~
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