Hellohello~When surfing the internet for some nail inspiration, I came across this Korean nail blog and fell in love with the design. It didn't look too complicated so I decided to try it out for myself :)
I started off with two (goopy) coats of Ulta3 lily white. I then freehanded the turquoise stripes using Essie Turquoise & Caicos. Next, I took my nail art striper and applied the thin...
Friday, January 27, 2012
- In: Essie, Laushine, nails, swatches and review
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 16 comments
My love for purple never ends ♥
Hello everyone~ My friend recently gave me some polishes she didn't want (I gladly accepted them! :D) and one of them was Essie St. Lucia lilac. I love purple and I love pastels so this polish was an instant love! I applied three coats as I found it was still a little patchy at two coats.
After a day, I layered over a Dark purple crackle from Nails and Stuff over it. To top things...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
- In: Dear Rus, nails, swatches and review
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 12 comments
Are you in the mood?
Hello everyone :) Today I have for you a mood changing polish. I remember early last year (or was it late 2009? *memory fails*) when mood polishes became popular. I was super lemming the mood polishes by Claires and was so envious of the US girls who were able to get their hands on them. Well, I finally won an auction on ebay for the Calm/wild...and have since worn it twice? I found they weren't so...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
- In: China Glaze, Essence, nails, notd, Nubar, skittle, Ulta3, Zoya
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 21 comments
Chinese New Year mani
Hi everyone :) Today is the day before Chinese New Year and it's huuuuuge! One of my cousin is cooking up a storm for dinner tonight - CAN NOT WAIT :D Anyway, this was a mani I came up with just before I left for Hong Kong :) I was going to wear it over but I had to wash the dishes and turned out it hadn't dried thoroughly so it wrinkled :( Too bad then!
Anyway, here's my simple CNY skittle mani...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
- In: Eclipse, nails, swatches and review
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 2 comments
Review: Nails and stuff
Hi ladies :) This is my first of a few scheduled posts while I'm away in Hong Kong!
About a month ago, I was contacted by Annika who runs an online shop called Nails and Stuff, selling nail polish and other nail related goodies such as stickers, rhinestones and foils.
I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to try out some of the nail polishes they offer in their range, including a mood...
Monday, January 16, 2012
- In: mod post
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 16 comments
Off to Hong Kong! :D

Hi ladies~ You may have noticed my decrease in posting lately - this is due to me being being busy preparing for my trip back to Hong Kong! Because I'll be busy enjoying my holiday and shopping, posting will definitely be more sporadic. I do have some posts which are scheduled and I'll probably update if I can while I'm in Hong Kong, but for the majority of the time, I won't be able to come onto my...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
- In: Color Club, nails
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 18 comments
Back to basics: A good old holo!
Hey everyone~ Sometimes, after some complicated nail art or even just sponging, it's a nice feeling to just be able to slap on some nail polish and call it a day :P No spending time thinking of a design, no need to wait for coats to dry, and best of all, it takes less than 20mins! ♥
Here I have 2 coats of Color Club Fashion addict. This is only my second time wearing it - darn, I need to bring my...
Thursday, January 12, 2012
- In: nails, Nubar, Ulta3
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 24 comments
Fiery tips
Hi ladies~ A short and sweet post for today as I'm lacking in words :P I saw this on a blog once but I can't remember where - if you know and can link me, it would be greatly appreciated!
Two coats of Ulta3 black satin with Nubar 2010 applied at the tips.
Ahh, if only I applied Nubar 2010 better onto my tips, then I'd love this mani. What do you think of it? :)
Thanks for...
Sunday, January 8, 2012
- In: BB Cosmetics, nails, OPI
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 26 comments
A mossy green
Hey everyone~As promised, here is a post of Bootie Babe Cosmetics Bossy mossy. To be honest, I'm not usually one who wears 'ugly' colours like this one. And...I'm not sure I like it that much either :P Shown is two coats of Bossy mossy. As I mentioned in my previous post, the brushes in the nail polish are short and stiff, which makes application a little more difficult.
Because I wasn't...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
- In: BB Cosmetics, nails, swatches and review
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 6 comments
Swatches and review: Bootie Babe nail polish
Hi ladies! :) Last month, I had the opportunity to receive the most awesome packaged nail polishes ever. Yup, you guessed it - I'm talking about the hilarious bum shaped bottles sold by the people at Bootie Babe Cosmetics! For more information, check out here and here!
In terms of application, the brush was short and a little stiffer than I'm used to. As a result, I had to apply carefully and redip...
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
- In: nails, OPI, swatches and review
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 14 comments
Swatches and review: OPI Nicki Minaj collection part 2
Hellohello :) Part 2 of OPI's Nicki Minaj collection consists of Metallic 4 life and Super bass shatter. Frankly, I'm starting to get really sick of shatter/crackle polishes. 2011 was the year of crackle, and I'm totally looking forward to 2012's trend (pleaseeeeeeee be flakies!). But I digress.
Metallic 4 life is packed with two different sized silver glitters, swimming in a jelly...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
- In: nails, OPI, swatches and review
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 28 comments
Swatches and review: OPI Nicki Minaj collection part 1
Hi everyone! Today I have the first of two parts of OPI's Nicki Minaj collection to show you :) I'll be honest - when I first saw this collection, none of the nail polishes really wowed me except for the one with the bar glitter in it. And even then, it wasn't too interesting as bar glitter tends to make your nails look hairy. HOWEVER. I pretty much ate my words up the second I saw the bottles...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
- In: OPI
- Posted By: Sharon
- Comments: 12 comments
Preview: OPI Nicki Minaj collection
Hi ladies~I hope you've had a Happy New Year celebrating with family and friends! I received four of the polishes from OPI's Nicki Minaj collection just before the holidays but was caught up in the festivities and didn't get around to posting it until now :) Just bottles shots today and two macros of the beautiful glitters. I'll be posting swatches and reviews of the nail polishes in...