Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nail art #18 - Can't breathe, like freeze...

Lots of ♥♥♥ to you if you get my post title :PPP. Lol I'm so sad, but this totally came to mind; oh Kpop ♥. Anyway. Happy Halloween! :) I had meant to post a more halloween-esque manicure today, but I just had to try out the corset look after watching this video. I don't think mine came out as well though. Oh well :P. I used Ulta3's Snazzle for this manicure and it is such a lovely silver...

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nail art #17 - A bit of this and that ♥

Heyyyy! I just heard from a friend that one of my assignments due next week has been extended to mid Novemeber so I'm celebrating by not working on it and blogging :P. I'm also on the road to recovery now so I felt up for a little nail art today :). Just something random I came up with since I was in a cheerful mood today. I used two coats of China Glaze's Light as air for my first,...

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My first Essie polish :)

I very rarely do fall severely sick, but it seems the weather's ability to be decisive has affected me (either be hot OR cold, darn it!). I didn't get to enjoy my weekend nor catchup on my last couple of assignments and I apologise in advance for the lack of updates that'll probably take place in the next couple of weeks on this blog. Life and such, you know? Anyway, I did manage to try out my first...

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nail art #16 - A sailor went to sea sea sea

In an attempt to reflect the sunny and warm days we had a couple of days ago, I tried my hand at some nautical themed nail art. I can't say I did  brilliantly though. Don't you just hate it when a beautifully planned out design in your head just doesn't translate onto your nails? I applied two coats Savvy by DB's Cobalt and used Glossyblossom's nail art striper in White for...

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mummy may I?

Over the weekend, I was very much involved in a battle with an essay. I'm proud to say that today I have finally conquered and emerged with hardly a scratch on me (although I can't say much about my sleepyness!) But onto my mani from the last two days. I chose to wear China Glaze's Mummy may I following on from the halloween-ish theme a few days before. And wow. This is such a gorgeous polish!...

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nail art #15 - Spring is upon us

Well, spring is upon us down in the southern hemisphere anyway :P. For this manicure,  I used two coats of Color Club's Uptown Girl. Then to spice things up a little, I took out my sample pack from Viva la Nails and chose some nail stickers to put on my fourth finger and thumb. To finish off, I sealed my nails with my Poshe topcoat. I love the result loads and the stickers held up really...

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Nail art #14 - Halloween enough for you?

I'm not one who normally celebrates Halloween, it's not even a big holiday here in Australia, but after I came across this video, I knew I just had to have a go at it. My attempt wasn't the most successful, but from a distance, it looks pretty cool :P. I used Ulta3's Black Plum  as the base and it's just a gorgeous wine red shimmer. Glorious, I tell you. I need to wear this on its own in the...

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's holo lurveeeeee *______*

That's right, I've chosen Color Club's Revvvolution from my haul to try out first. AND BOY. IT IS AMAZINGGGGGG. Can I spam my love? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!! Shown is base coat then two coats of Revvvolution and no top coat. Just look at the holo goodness! :DDD  Although, I'm not sure if I just got a dodgy bottle, but after awhile the polish became a little thick and it was just harder...

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yes, another haul :)

I was pleasantly surprised that the postman dropped by today, I hadn't expected this Transdesign order to arrive until Friday. Of course, I could hardly wait to start playing with the polishes, but unfortunately I have work due tomorrow which I need to get cracking on :(. First up, my Color Club haul! Have I mentioned before that all my photos are clickable? Definitely click away to see enlarged...

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nail art #13 - Kiwi nails!

Woah, I've made it through the week and the weekend! Hectic back to Uni week and on top of that I had a busy weekend, but I've somehow pulled through and yes, more nail art! :D This design was inspired by Cutepolish's youtube tutorial. I was all for a spring-y design since it's spring here (and most like it too, it's been cloudy and rainy since forever!) and came across the video; I obviously...

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nail art #12

It's a wonder how simply dotting and striping can make a manicure look so much better. I was out of ideas for nail art but was in the mood for some, so what better than to combine the basics? (I do apologise for the lack of clean up.) Shown above is three coats of mwah's Thrillseeker. I then used Glossyblossom's nail art polish in White to paint the stripes and dots. Overall, I'm quite...

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Ulta3 - Envy

Even though it's been raining a fair bit since Saturday, the sun did manage to peep out from behind the clouds quite a number of times today. Thus my hand reached immediately for Ulta3's Envy. Envy has a fantastic foil finish which I'm totally in love with. It's a really light champagne shade and under dimmer lighting can be mistaken as a silver. I love this polish a lot, it's just fabulous :). You...

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sinful Colors - Vela

I've been trying to venture into the world of red and pink polishes, and I believe there is no better place to start than with this gorgeous polish - Sinful Colors' Vela. This is my first Sinful polish and I cannot be more blown away. What a magnificent shade! It's a mixture of red and pink and the result is a dusky raspberry colour. Brilliant! Shown is two coats of Vela and a topcoat. What...

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Funky french tips

I was a bit undecided on the polish to choose for my next manicure, so I decided to play around with some layering. I tried a few sheer polishes over a matte black and voilà this lovely combination materialised in front of my eyes. Shown here is two coats of Orly's Matte Vinyl. I then used OPI's Princesses rule for layering at the tips and freehanded them. I decided I wanted...

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