Monday, May 30, 2011

May haul

Hi everyone~ Yes, this is finally another haul post! I really haven't been feeling the nail polish collections since China Glaze's Anchors Away collection which I hauled waaay back in February. However, a few weeks ago I found a seller on ebay who sells Zoya polishes at a pretty reasonable cost and combined with cheap shipping costs, who can pass on that? :)

I also found Essence polishes being sold in Target awhile ago and couldn't resist getting Choose me hehe.
Zoya Dannii, Faye, Ivanka, Gemma, Mimi
may haul

Viva la nails also offered some full nail water decals for bloggers to review. I received the following sample pack~ I'll have a review of one of the decals up soon! :D
water decals nail wraps1

water decals nail wraps2

What do you think of the recent nail polish collections? Anything I missed and should be looking out for? :)
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