Friday, May 27, 2011

Alluring courage

Hi~ :) I'm lame and decided to combine the two polish names to create my post title. Hopefully my mani sort of redeems this post :P. I was in one of those 'I dunno what to wear but want to polish my nails' mood and so opted to go with a shade which I have the most number of polishes - purple. Actually, I've never counted but I'm assuming I have more purple than any other shade since I'm a purple lover. Maybe that's something I can do next time I'm bored...hehe :P.

So anyway. Below I have two coats of Ulta3 Allure on my nails and China Glaze C-c-courage on my thumb and fourth finger. C-c-courage was the very first China Glaze polish I ever wore and it also made its debut in my first and second posts of this blog :).
alluring courage1

I applied a nail sticker which I received from Born Pretty Store and added a rhinestone and pearl to my middle finger. I quite like how this mani turned out, despite having no idea what to do in the first place!
alluring courage2

What do you think of the mani? And more importantly, are you a purple lover? :D

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