Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some more layering with White Cap :D

Hello~ :) I know I said life is getting hectic in my previous post but I'm so proud of how productive I was today that I'm allowing myself to blog. Honestly, you have no idea how much I usually procrastinate. Weirdly enough, I got a lot of work done at Uni so here I am! :D

Below is two thick coats of Color Club Coastal creme, taken under artificial light with flash. I would have probably done better with three thin coats, but I'm lazy like that :P
coastal creme

I got bored of this really quickly and so layered on China Glaze White cap the next day. I love how subtle but pretty this made my mani look! Photo taken indoors under natural light.
coastal creme with white cap

coastal creme macro

Right, time to return to my studying hole now! :(
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