Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Package from Polished Lyrics :)

Hi everyone~^^ Back in January, I won Jessica's giveaway over at Polished Lyrics. I recently received my package from her and she was kind enough to include a few extras! Thanks again for the awesome package Jess, I love it loads <3.

I'm super excited with this package since it includes my first Nicole by OPI and Essence polishes :). I'm also really in love with the houndstooth wallet, now I have a something to replace my current one! The first photo is taken indoors under natural light and the next two indoors with flash.

China Glaze Emerald sparkle, 5 golden rings
Nicole by OPI Really, really red
Essence What do you think?

And the extras Jess included :). Unfortunately these have no names, but I think the purple polish is Uptown girl. I have absolutely no idea what the other two might be though. The middle polish is a cream shade and the pink is a really bright pink. If anyone knows the names, please do share!

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