Saturday, September 29, 2012

Flashy lightening bolts

Hello ladies~ I'm finally showcasing my first stamping attempt with the Bundle Monster stamping plates! I received them for a birthday a couple of weeks ago and never got around to playing with them until awhile later. Anyway, here's my attempt with plate BM-301. I started with two coats of Orly Sweet peacock and then stamped with a no brand black polish. I loved the contrast of the bright Orly...

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pretty, girly and french :)

Hello ladies! Another quick post today as I finish off my essay (finally!). I started with two coats of OPI Passion, then layered a coat of NOPI Kim-Pletely in love. I freehanded the french tip using NOPI It's all about the glam and added the silver glitter with a nail art striper polish. Quick and easy for a work appropriate manicure which I wore while I was still on prac :) I'm not...

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Saran wrap and fail stamping

Hello hello :) With this being my second time trying out the saran wrap technique, I was really pleased with the outcome of it. I started with a base colour of OPI Do you lilac it? and letting it dry before taking OPI My very first knockwurst and applying a thick coat of it over Do you lilac it?. I then used my cling wrap to dab over the nail, taking away bits of My very first...

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

A rose wallpaper

Hi ladies! A super short post today because I really need to get on with my essay. I loved the rose nail art Simply Rins posted on her blog so I followed the tutorial to create the design. It is in no way as pretty as hers but I liked it all the same...sort of :P I used OPI Thanks a windmillion for the base colour and acrylic white paint for the roses. It's super dainty...or would be...

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

My very own Shooting Star jelly sandwich :)

Hello everyone! When I first laid eyes on Tony Moly Shooting star over at Tales about nails, I knew I had to own it. BUT! Before forking over the money, I decided to try a layering combination I had in mind. Starting off with two coats of China Glaze Light as air, I then applied two coats of OPI Rainbow connection over it. To create the jelly look, I applied two coats of Flormar #20. Well,...

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stamping series: A review of the stamping plates

Hello everyone :) Just to round up, here are the stamping manicures I showed over the past few posts! The plates I used from left to right, top to bottom: m71, m79, m73, m65, m69, m77, m65 (clicking the links will lead you back to the original post) You may or may not have noticed this - the stamping plates I used in all the manicures shown were in actual fact fauxnad plates available for...

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Stamping series: Fit for a royalty!

Hi ladies~ It was my birthday a few days ago so I decided to wear my favourite colour on my nails for the day - purple! Since I was still on prac, I wasn't able to do much nail art and really, this was rather extreme for a workplace appropriate manicure! :P I started with two coats Chi Chi Hung up. To add a little more sparkle to the shimmery polish, I layered a coat of OPI I over...

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Stamping series: Cloudy and rainy blue skies

Hi everyone! Today I have a manicure which was a fail at first but turned out quite nice in the end. Spotting a cloud design on my newly acquired stamping plates, I knew straight away I had to incorporate them into a manicure. I have wanted for ages to put together a blue sky and cloud mani but never got around to sitting down to free hand the clouds. Lets just say the freehand might have been less...

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stamping series: Silver and purple

Hello ladies~ Carrying on with the subtle stamping theme from my previous post, here is some purple and silver stamping. I started with two coats of China Glaze Light as air before stamping with Rimmel Your majesty and fauxnad plate m71. I found the design on this plate wasn't etched as deeply as it was quite hard to transfer the stamp. It definitely wasn't Your majesty playing...

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Stamping series: Subtle stamping over Fantasy Fire

Hello hello~ I wanted to continue with my stamping but didn't want to cover up the beauty that is Max Factor Fantasy fire so I decided to try a more subtle attempt at stamping. It's actually a little more obvious in real life but wow is the stamping subtle in my photos! :P I used fauxnad plate m69 for the stamp design. I have always wanted to try different animal print designs but could...

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Max Factor Fantasy Fire

Hey everyone! I interrupt my Stamping Series with a nail polish I have wanted for some time. Recently, Max Factor Fantasy fire started popping around in Pricelines and Targets in Australia and I was lucky enough to score one. Of course, I had to remove my current manicure and play with it at once! Here I've layered one coat of Fantasy fire over two coats of OPI Road house blues. Mmmm, just...

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stamping series: Fashion addict meets geometry

Hi everyone! Keeping up with the stamping series I have going, today's post features Color Club Fashion addict. This is a soft lavender purple holo which I don't wear often enough (shame on me!). I didn't manage to get good photos of it on its own but you can imagine the beauty of it ;) I stamped with BYS Thank god it's friday and plate m73. Here is the plate I used to stamp...

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