Monday, November 15, 2010

Nail mail!

And who doesn't love them? :P

A little over a week ago, I went on an ebay shopping spree and the polishes finally arrived today. I'm exaggerating slightly though, shipping only took a week ^^;;. On the spree, I decided to kill a few of my Zoya lemmings and also got myself a hold of a flakey polish. Yes, flakey!!! I was super excited for this package to arrive :).

The first photo is taken in natural light indoors and the following two with flash - apparently the sun will not be hanging around much this week :(.
ebay haul

Essie - Sew Psyched
Nubar - Nubar 2010
OPI - Parlez-vous OPI? and  Lincoln Park after dark suede
ebay haul2

Zoya - Harlow, Crystal, Valerie, Tiffany, Gloria, Edyta
ebay haul3

I can't wait to try these polishes out, but I think I may wait for the sun to reappear so I can wear these in their fullest glory! :D

Thanks for dropping by~
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